林肯英语 -1
A Mother and Her Young Child Learning English
Situation 4 Back at Home-2

Mr. Lee (Father): You're right. I don't have to worry. But, why are we speaking English to each other? 你是对的. 我不需要担心. 但是我们为什么要互相说英语呢

Mrs. Lee (Mother): Because if we don't speak English, then Machieal won't, either. 因为如果我们不说英语, 那么迈克尔也不会了.

Mr. Lee (Father): But my English is not very good. 但是我的英语并不是很好.

Mrs. Lee (Mother): Yes, it is. And it will get better if you speak it more. 是的. 如果你说多了你就会说的更好.

Mr. Lee (Father): That is true. And, even though it will be diffcult, I will do it for my son. 那倒是. 就算很难, 我也会为我的儿子做的.

Mrs. Lee (Mother): Thank you. I knew you would understand. 谢谢.我早就知道你会明白的.

Mr. Lee (Father): That is what partents are for. It is our job to help him. 那就是父母的用处所在. 帮助他是我们的工作.