林肯英语 -1
A Mother and Her Young Child Learning English
Situation 7 At Cafe-1 在咖啡店

(Mrs. Lee and Mrs. Cho finished their shopping and decide to go to a cafe to talk some more.) (李太太和仇太太买完东西后 决定到咖啡店再聊一聊.)

Mrs. Lee: Going to a cafe was a great idea. I have almost no time to rest during a day. 去咖啡店是个好主意. 我这些天几乎没有时间休息.

Mrs. Cho: I understand how you feel. That is why I go to a cafe for one hour every day. It gives me a chance to rest, to think, and sometimes, to talk. 我明白你的感觉. 那就是为什么我每天都要去咖啡店一个小时. 它给我机会休息,思考, 还有,有时候,聊天.

Mrs. Lee: Yes, I think resting and talking are both very important. Especially when you are always busy. 是的,我认为休息和聊天都很重要. 尤其是你总是很忙的时候.

Mrs. Cho: Why don't we order first? 我们为什么不先点东西呢?

Mrs. Lee: That's a good idea. Let's order. Waiter! 好主意. 我们点东西吧.服务生!

Mrs. Cho: Oh, excuse me. 劳驾.

(Waiter): Yes. May I take your order? 是的,请问你们要些什么?