林肯英语 -1
A Mother and Her Young Child Learning English
Situation 7 At Cafe-3

Mrs. Cho: I like cake, too. But I'm on a diet. 我也喜欢蛋糕. 但是我在节食.

Mrs. Lee: Why? You're so thin. 为什么?你这么瘦.

Mrs. Cho: My husband says I need to lose weight. 我的丈夫说我要减肥.

Mrs. Lee: That's funny. 很有趣.

Mrs. Cho: Why? 为什么?

Mrs. Lee: Because my husband always says I need to gain weight. He thinks I'm skinny. 因为我的丈夫总是说我要增肥. 他认为我很瘦.

Mrs. Cho: Ha...