林肯英语 -1
A Mother and Her Young Child Learning English
Situation 10 Telephone Conversation-1 电话对话

(Mrs. Lee decides to call Mrs. Cho on the phone and talk more about their children and about English. The telephon rings and Mrs. Cho answers.) (李女士确定给仇女士打电话 讨论他们的孩子和英语。 ]电话响了,仇女士接电话)

Mrs. Cho: Hello? 你好。

Mrs. Lee: Hello? May I please speak with Mrs. Cho? 你好,我可以跟仇女士说话吗?

Mrs. Cho: This is she. Is that you Mrs. Lee? 这是她。 你是李女士吗?

Mrs. Lee: Yes. How did you know? 是的,你怎么知道?

Mrs. Cho: You have a very unique voice. 你有一种很独特的声音。

Mrs. Lee: Is that good or bad? 那是好还是坏?