林肯英语 -1
A Mother and Her Young Child Learning English
Situation 10 Telephone Conversation-4

Mrs. Cho: Do you know the Kinema Theater? 你知道电影院剧场吗?

Mrs. Lee: I'm not sure. 我不能肯定。

Mrs. Cho: It's very near the Galleria Department Store in Apkujongdong. 它离风雨商业街廊部的商店很近。

Mrs. Lee: Oh, yes, I know it. It has King Kong hanging from it, right? 哦,是的,我知道它。 有一个康国王挂在那里,对吗?

Mrs. Cho: Right. That's the one. 对,有一个。

Mrs. Lee: Great. Then I'll see you there Sunday at three. 太好了。 那么星期天三点钟我们在那里见。

Mrs. Cho: See you then, good-bye. 到时见,再见。

Mrs. Lee: Good-bye. 再见。