林肯英语 -2
A Father and His Young Daughter Go to America Learning English
Situation 14: Going back to Seoul-3

Su-mi (Sue): Yes, Dad. I was ready before you were. 是的,爸爸。 我比你先准备好。

Mrs. Kim: Okay, then let's go to the airport. 行,那么让我们去机场。

(They all get in Mrs. Kim's car and drive to the airport.) 他们都进了 姆的车子里,坐车去机场。

Mr. Park (Dad): Thank you so much for all your help. 非常感谢你们的帮助。

Su-mi (Sue): Yes, thank you very much. 是的,非常感谢。

Mrs. Kim: You don't have to thank me. We are family. It was my pleasure. 你们不用感谢我,我们是一家人,真是我的荣幸。