林肯英语 -2
A Father and His Young Daughter Go to America Learning English
Situation 14: Going back to Seoul-4

Mr. Park (Dad): Good-bye. See you next year. 再见。 明年见。

Su-mi (Sue): Bye. 再见。

Mrs. Kim: Good-bye. And maybe we can see each other sooner than next year. I may be visiting Seoul next month. 再见。 或许,我们不久就见面,而不是明年。 下个月我将 参观汉城。

Mr. Park (Dad): That's great news. If you come to Seoul, you must stay at our house. 那是好消息。 如果你来汉城,你必须待在我们家里。

Su-mi (Sue): Yes, Auntie, you must stay with us. 是,姑妈,你必须和我们待在一起。

Mrs. Kim: Of course I will stay with you. We are family. 当然,我将和你们待在一起。 我们是一家人。