林肯英语 - 3
A Day in the Life of a Typical American White Collar Worker
Situation 11 With a Co-Worker 和同事在一起

Larry: Steve, James, how did the presentation go? 詹姆士,这个陈述进行的怎么样?

Steve: Don't ask. 不要问了。

James: Oh, it wasn't that bad. Steve did really well; I think they are sold. 噢,没有那样坏了 做得很好;我想他们会成交的

Steve: They were until you told them that we were making the same product for their competitors. You never tell them that. 直到你告诉他们。 我们正在为他们的竞争对手制作同样的产品之前 你从未告诉他们那些。

James: I am sorry, but I cannot lie just to make a sale. Maybe that's why I'm terrible at sales. 对不起,但是我在交易的时候不会撒谎。 大概那就是我为什么害怕做生意

Steve: Yeah, that's right. From now on you just stick to designing and programming, and leave the selling to me. 是的,很对 从今以后,你只要继续设计和制作, 把销售留给我干。

Larry: Don't be too hard on him, Steve. Mr. Wang might appreciate his honesty. Even if you have lied to him, he's a smart guy, especially when it comes to computers, and he probably would have known anyway. Now he knows you guys and our company are honest; we'll just see what happens. 不要对他太严格了 先生也许会赞赏他的诚实。 如果你对他撒谎,他可是个精明的家伙 特别是在电脑方面。 或者他会明白的。 现在他知道你的同事和我们的公司是诚实的。 我们只要看会发生什么吧。

James: True. And besides, Apple is really a tiny company when compared to all these PC giants. I don't think Mr. Wang feels threatened by them. 是的。再说,苹果跟这些大公司比起来真的是一个小公司。 我不认为王先生会被他们吓倒。

Steve: I am sure we'll know soon enough. 我相信我们不久就会全知道了。