林肯英语 - 3
A Day in the Life of a Typical American White Collar Worker
Situation 17 Breakfast-1 早餐

Catherine: Are two eggs going to be enough? 两个鸡蛋够吗?

James: Plenty [Pleny]. I wouldn't mind another cup of coffee, though. 足够了。我不介意再来一杯咖啡。

Catherine: You should eat a little more. It looks like you are going to have a big day at the office. 你应该多吃点。 好象你要在办公室呆上一整天。

James: You may be right. But I can't really think of food right now, I've got too many other things on my mind. 你可能是对的。但是我现在真的不想吃。 我的脑子里东西太多了。

Catherine: I just don't want you to run out of energy today. 我只是不想你今天精疲力尽。

James: Don't worry. I'll stop off on the way to the office at Dunkin Donuts and pick up a few donuts in case I get hungry between now and lunch. 不要担心,我会在去办公室的路上停在买一些吃的 以防现在和午餐之间饿,

Catherine: Oh, James! Donuts? Why don't you eat a more nutritious breakfast? You are not a college kid anymore. 哦,詹姆士! 那你为什么不多吃一点有营养的早餐呢? 你不再是一个大学时代的年轻小伙子。

James: You're right, but the fact is I love donuts; always have, always will. Well, I should get going. I want to get to the office a little early today, I have to figure out a way to smooth things out between Steve and Mr. Barnes. 是的,可事实上我爱吃;一直吃,一直也想吃 好了,我该出发了。今天我想早一点去办公室。 我必须找一个办法来解决和先生之间的事。