林肯英语 - 4
A Day in the Life of a College Student
Situation 9 Getting Ready for the Party-2

Charles: Sorry, I was just trying to help. Here, let me get you that tie. 对不起,我只是想帮你。 来,我给你那条领带。

Mike: That's more like it. Now you're making yourself useful. 这样多好,现在你有用了。

Charles: Do you like stripes or solids? 你喜欢条纹的还是光面的?

Mike: Give me a stripe one. My shirt is solid white; I don't want to look too plain. 给我条纹的吧。 我的衬衫是全白的;我不想看起来太朴素。

Charles: Good thinking. Do you want a matching handkerchief? 好想法。你要不要相配的手帕?

Mike: God no. Charles, this is only a semi-formal occasion. Don't get too fancy. 天啊不要。 Charles,着这只是一个半正式的场合 不要太花里呼哨了。

Charles: I know, but when I dress up I like to go all out. 我知道,但是当我穿衣服的时候我就喜欢都带上