林肯英语 - 4
A Day in the Life of a College Student
Situation 12 Driving to the Hotel-2

Mike: Right. 对

Bill: Do you mean make a right turn or that a left turn is correct? 你意思是右拐,或左拐是对的?

Mike: A left turn is correct. 左拐是对的

Bill: Are you sure about that? 你确定吗

Mike: Yes, I'm sure. What I'm not sure about is where to turn after that. It was either on Brattle or Barry Street. 是的,我保证 我不能确定的是下次该向哪边拐。 这不是Brattle街也不是Barry街。

Charles: Oh yeah, now I remember. The Hyatt is on the corner of Brattle and Kearney. 是的,我记起来了 Hyatt在Brattle和Kearney街的拐角处。

Bill: That sounds right. So that means a right turn on to Brattle, right? 好象是的。 所以那就要右拐上Brattle街,对吗?

Charles: Correct. 正确

Bill: And from there it's easy. 从那走就容易了