林肯英语 - 4
A Day in the Life of a College Student
Situation 13: Arriving at the Party-1

(Mike, Charles and Bill arrive at the hotel and the doorman for directions.) (麦克、查尔斯和比尔到了宾馆并问守门人方向。)

Mike: Excuse me, but can you tell us where the grand ballroom is? 请原谅,你能告诉我们豪华舞厅在哪吗?

Doorman: Of course, sir. The grand ballroom is located on the second floor in the rear of the hotel. 当然,先生。 豪华舞厅在宾馆后面的三楼上。

Mike: Thank you. 谢谢你。

(Mike, Charles and Bill go up to the second floor and arrive the entrance to the grand ballroom. There is a woman standing in front of the door.) (麦克、查尔斯和比尔上了三楼到了豪华舞厅的入口。 门前站着一个女人。)

Woman: Good evening, gentleman. May I see your invitations? 晚上好,先生们。我能看看你们的请柬吗?

Bill: Mike, you didn't tell me about any invitations. 麦克,你没有告诉我什么请柬 。

Charles: Yeah, Mike. I thought you called Sarah and took care of it. 是的,麦克,我想你要打电话给萨勒并问一下。