林肯英语 - 4
A Day in the Life of a College Student
Situation 18 A Political Discussion-3

Mike: Really? 真的吗?

Charles: Yes, really. 是的,真的。

Mike: What does he do? 他干什么的?

Charles: He is a state senator. 他是一个州的参议员。

Mike: How long has he been a senator? 他当参议员多久了?

Charles: As long as I can remember. And he's always been crooked so don't tell me you think politicians are honest. 从我能记事起。 并且他一直不诚实,所以不要告诉我你认为政客们都是清廉的。

Mike: Look, Charles. I don't want to talk about politics. 瞧,查尔斯,我不想谈论政治了。

Charles: What? You're the one who started this discussion. 什么?是你先开始这个讨论的!

Mike: I know, and now I'm ending it. I have class at one. 我知道,我不想说了。我一点钟有课。