林肯英语 - 5
A Day in the Life of a Typical American Family with a Student
Situation 8 Second Period-2

(Robert takes a CD out of his backpack.) (罗勃特从他的背包里拿出了一张光碟.)

Robert: I made a computer game called space killer. 我做了一个叫《太空杀手》的游戏.

Mrs. Crass: How do you play it? 怎么玩?

Robert: You are flying in the spaceship and you have to fight against aliens. 你在一个太空船上飞行,还要打外星人.

Mrs. Crass: How do you win? 你怎么赢呢?

Robert: You can't ever kill all the aliens. But whoever gets the most points wins. 你不可能杀死所有的外星人, 谁得分最多谁就赢了.

Mrs. Crass: And how do you score points? 你怎么算分呢?