林肯英语 - 5
A Day in the Life of a Typical American Family with a Student
Situation 9 Recess 1-2 休息1

(After his computer class, Robert gets a fifteen minute break that is calls ‘ recess'.) (计算机课后,罗勃特有15分钟的休息时间,叫做“休息”.)

Billy: Hey, Robert! How were your classes? 罗勃特,你的课怎么样?

Robert: They were great! My English teacher, Mr. Hubbard, gave me a second chance to do my homework. And my computer teacher, Mrs. Crass, really liked the computer game I made. 很好啊.我的英语老师, 哈贝得先生,又给我一次做作业的机会, 还有我的计算机老师,柯若丝小姐,她真的很喜欢我做的电脑游戏.

(Billy looks a little sad.) (比利看上去有些悲伤.)

Billy: I wish I could say the same. My history teacher hates me. He says he is going to call my Dad, so I can't play basketball. 我希望我能和你一样.我的历史老师讨厌我. 他说他要给我的爸爸打电话,那我就不能打篮球了.

Robert: Who is your history teacher? 谁是你们的历史老师?

Billy: Mr. Cranston. 克云森先生

Robert: Oh, yeah! I had him last year. He was really mean. 噢,他去年教我们. 他说的是真的.

Billy: Yes, he still is really mean. He knows how much I like sports and still he is going to call my Dad. 是的,他是说真的. 他知道我有多么喜爱运动,但是他仍然要打电话给我爸.