林肯英语 - 5
A Day in the Life of a Typical American Family with a Student
Situation 16 Homework-2

Mom: Okay. We can do this in two ways. We can look it up in the dictionary or we can find it on the internet. Which do you think would be interesting? 好的,我们能用两种方法解决这个问题. 我们可以查字典,也可以用网络来解决. 你觉得那一种更有趣呢?

Robert: The internet. 网络!

Mom: And which do you think will have more information? 你觉得那一个有趣呢?

Robert: The internet. 网络!

Mom: Well, we should go to the computer. 那么,我们去电脑那.

Robert: Cool, I didn't know homework could be so fun. 真棒!我不知道家庭作业可以这么有趣.

(They go into Robert's room and turns on his computer.) (他们来到罗勃特的房间,打开了他的电脑.)

Mom: Now click on search and then type in ‘ Samoa'. 现在,点击这里,然后输入“瑟牟尔”.