林肯英语 - 5
A Day in the Life of a Typical American Family with a Student
Situation 16 Homework-3

(Robert does this and many pages and information appear.) (罗勃特这样做了,出现了许多信息.)

Robert: Wow, I can write a whole report now. 哇.现在我能写一份完整的报告了.

Mom: Yes, but don't copy it. You have to write it in your own words, or it is cheating. 是的,但是不要照抄. 你必须用你自己的话写出来,否则就是欺骗.

Robert: Okay, Mom. And thanks, you are the best! 好的,妈妈.谢谢,你是最好的.

Mom: And don't play any computer games, just do your homework. 不要玩任何电脑游戏. 做你的作业.

Robert: Mom, you don't have to say that. I really want to study hard. 妈妈,你不用那样说. 我也想努力学习.

Mom: I know, but I'm your mother, it's my job to say things like that. 我知道.但是我是你妈妈. 象那样说是我的职责.