林肯英语 - 5
A Day in the Life of a Typical American Family with a Student
Situation 20 The Internet-2

Robert: No! I want to study. Sam, the internet isn't only for games and girls. It's for learning, too. 不.我想学习. 瑟姆,网络不仅仅是游戏和女生,它同样也可以学习.

Sam: I know that! But girls and games are more fun than studying. 我知道,但是女生和游戏比学习有趣的多.

Robert: I know. 我知道.

Sam: No, you don't. How would you know anything about girls? You've never had a girlfriend. 不你不知道.你怎么会知道女生的事情呢? 你从来没有过女朋友.

Robert: Yes, I have. I had a girlfriend now. 不,我有.我现在有女朋友了.

Sam: Really? 真的?

Robert: Yes, her name's Michelle, and she's coming here for dinner on Sunday. 是的,她叫米舍,她星期天会来这吃晚饭.

Sam: First, let's play a few games and then let's talk about your girlfriend. 我们先玩一些游戏,然后再谈谈你的女朋友.

Robert: Okay, but you have to promise that you'll talk to me when we finish the games. 好的,但是你必须保证我们玩完游戏后你会和我说.

Sam: I promise! 我保证.