林肯英语 - 5
A Day in the Life of a Typical American Family with a Student
Situation 21 Talking to Older Brother-2

Sam: Well, even if you had all the money in the world, it's not a good idea to be too nice to girls. If you ask Dad, he'll tell you the same thing. 即使你有世界上所有的钱, 对女孩太好不是个好主意. 如果你问爸爸她也会这么说的.

Robert: Um, so, what should I do tomorrow? 那么我明天该怎么做?

Sam: Buy her the flowers, but then don't talk to her too much. 给她买一些花,但是不要和她说太多.

Robert: Can I talk to her after school? 放学后我能和她讲话吗?

Sam: Sure, but not before that. 当然,但是那之前不要.

Robert: Okay. I'll give her the flowers in the morning and then talk to her after practice. 好的,我明天早上给她买花, 然后训练后和她讲话.

Sam: (Sam begins to yawn.) O... (瑟姆开始打哈欠.)

Robert: Sam, are you tired? 瑟姆,你累了吗?

Sam: Yea, let's go to bed. 是啊,我们睡吧.

Robert: Okay, good night. See you tomorrow. 好的.晚安.明天见.

Sam: Good night. 晚安.