林肯英语 - 6
A Day in the Life of a Typical American Family with a Student
Situation 3 Band Practice-1 乐队排练

(Kevin gets in his car and drives to his friend Barry's house where their band practices.) (凯文进入车里开到他们乐队排练的地方,巴瑞的家.)

Barry: What's up, Kev? 怎么了,凯文?

Kevin: Nothing. What's up with you, Barry? 没什么.你怎么了,巴瑞?

Barry: The other guys said they will be late, so we'll start practicing in a few minutes. 其他人说他们会晚点来, 所以我们过一会儿开始练.

Kevin: Cool. I want to talk to you anyway. 好的.我想和你谈谈.

Barry: Sure. What do you want to talk about? 当然.你想和我谈什么?

Kevin: It's my parents. They're nice but they try to protect me too much. 是我的父母. 他们很好但是他们想过分的保护我.

Barry: What do you mean? Can you give me an example? 你是什么意思? 你能举个例子吗?

Kevin: Yeah, like tonight. They want me to come home by twelve-thirty even though they know there is a party. What do you think about that? 是的,就想今晚. 尽管他们知道有晚会他们也要我12:30回家. 你怎么想呢?

Barry: I'm not sure. My parents let me come home whenever I want. That's fun, but sometimes I think they don't care about me. Your parents are strict, but they really love you. 我不知道. 我父母说我什么时候想回家都行. 很好, 但是有时我觉得他们不是很关心我. 你的父母很严格,但是他们真的很爱你.