林肯英语 - 6
A Day in the Life of a Typical American Family with a Student
Situation 16 At the Football Game-3

(Barry gets angry and interrupts.) (芭雷很生气,打断了他。)

Barry: Stop it! I really like her. 住嘴!我真的很喜欢她!

Kevin: Sorry. I just think you were too good for her. 对不起.我只是以为你对她太好了。

Barry: That's because you're my friend. 那就是你为什么是我的朋友。

Kevin: Hey, the game is about to start. Let's go sit down in the front. 嘿,比赛要开始了。 我们坐到前面去吧。

Barry: I thought you didn't like football. 我以为你不喜欢足球。

Kevin: I don't. But at the beginning of the game the cheerleaders jump up and down. 我不喜欢.但是球赛开始前有拉拉队的表演。

Barry: Yeah, that's my favorite part of football too. 是的,那就是我最喜欢足球的一个部分。