林肯英语 - 6
A Day in the Life of a Typical American Family with a Student
Situation 20 Going to Bed-3

Barry: Don't worry so much. Your parents will understand. 不要这么担心。 你的父母会理解的。

Kevin: I don't know. I promised them I would be home by twelve-thirty. 我不知道。我向他们保证我会12:30回家的。

Barry: Yes, but they trust you. You're a good student and you never get into trouble. 是的,但是他们相信你。 你是一个好学生,从来不若麻烦。

Kevin: Except tonight. 今晚除外。

Barry: Ha...ha...Good night. 晚安。

Kevin: Good night. And thanks for talking to me about girls. 晚安。 谢谢你和我谈论女孩子。

Barry: No problem, Kevin. That's what friends are for. 没问题,柯文。 那就是朋友的用处。