第 30 课:I assure you of its quality. 我向你保证它的品质。

If I had seen you, I definitely would have said hello. 如果当时我看到你的话,我一定会打招呼的。

Stop dreaming and get to work! 别做白日梦了,去工作!

You won't get anywhere unless you try. 除非你不断努力,否则你将一事无成。

We must focus our attention on urgent problems. 我们必须把注意力集中在紧急问题上。

There's a lot of pressure and anxiety in this kind of work. 这类工作有很多的压力和忧虑。

She has made remarkable progress in English. 她的英语进步神速。

I think you misunderstood me on this point. 在这一点上,我想你是误会我了。

I've got a worthwhile job, and I enjoy doing it. 我现在有一个值得花时间去做的工作,而且我很喜欢。

Money isn't the only reason for working, you know. 你知道,金钱并不是工作的唯一目的。

I assure you of its quality. 我向你保证它的品质。

I have great determination to master English. 我一定要成功。我一定要学好英语。

What impressed you the most about Guangzhou? 你对广州最深的印象是什么?

Are you reading the newspaper, Sandy?

No, I'm doing my homework now.

I'll watch the football match on TV later on.