第 50 课:The Barber Shop 理发店-1

A:Good morning,Sir. I hope you're not in a hurry. 早上好,先生. 您不着急吧?

B:I am,actually. When do you think you can cut my hair? 我确实很着急. 你看你什么时候可以给我理发?

A:I'm just finishing with this gentleman. I'll be ready for you in about ten minutes. Is that OK? 我马上就给这位先生理好了. 大约十分钟后我就能接待您了. 您看行吗?

B:That's OK.I guess I can wait that long. 那行.这时间我看我能等。

A:Would you please take a seat over there? There are some interesting magazines on the tea-table. 您请在那边坐一坐? 茶几上有几本好看的杂志.

B:Thank you... I guess I can only look at the pictures. I don't read a word of Chinese,you see. 谢谢... 我看我只能看看画儿了. 你知道,我一个汉字也不认得.

A:Oh,I'm so sorry for that Yes,we should have something in English for our foreign friends. I'll certainly see to it.. Well,Sir,I'm at your service.Please sit here.啊呀,太抱歉了. 是,我们应当准备些英文的东西让外国朋友欣赏. 我一定会办好这件事的..好,先生,我可以为您服务了.请这边坐.

B:Thank you. 谢谢.