第 61 课:In a Taxi 在出租车上-2

A:Now look to your right,Sir. That lane is the famou -s Xiushui Dongjie,the East Xiushui Street.先生,您往右边看. 那条胡同是著名的秀水东街.

You can find all kinds of clothes there. They are cheap and nice. Lots of tourists go and shop there. 您可以在那儿买到各种各样的衣服, 而且物美价廉. 许多游客都去那儿买东西.

B:Could you stop there for a moment then? 那你能在那儿停一下吗?

A:Let me find a place to park. 我找个地方停车.

B:I'll just have a look.Please wait. 我就看一下. 请等着我.

A:Sure.But mind your pockets. 行,可小心您的兜儿.

B:Thank you.谢谢.

A:Well,what do you think of it? 你觉得这地方怎么样?

B:Very crowded. But lots of good, cheap clothes there.特别挤. 但是确实有好多物美价廉的衣服.