第 65 课:Rent-a-Car 租汽车-1

A:Excuse me,officer. 对不起打扰一下, 警官,

B:What can I do for you,Sir? 先生您有什么事?

A:Is there anywhere I can rent a car in Beijing?北京有什么地方能租汽车吗?

B:Yes,Sir.The service is rather new in Beijing, but you can rent a car easily. 有,先生.这项服务在北京时间还不长, 但您很容易就可以租到车.

A:Where do I go for that? 我到哪儿去租呢?

B:Let me tell you what you can do. Get a taxi,and tell the driver to take you to the nearest rent-a-car service station. He'll take you right there. 我跟您说怎么办. 叫辆出租车,让司机把您送到最近的租车站. 他会把您立马儿送到.