第 166 课:Confucius 孔子-1

Confucius is respected by most Chinese as the greatest teacher of all time. 孔子被许许多多中国人尊为自古以来最伟大的老师.

Perhaps the most important word he taught was "ren,"which means "benevolence." 或许他所传授的最重要的一个字就是“仁"也就是英文里的benevolence.

According to Confucius benevolence means courtesy,loyalty and unselfishness. 根据孔子的说法,仁的意思就是礼貌、忠贞以及无私.

In fact,benevolence is the essence of his teachings. 事实上,仁是他教义的精髓.

Every teacher should, therefore, follow in his footsteps and emphasize benevolence when teaching. 因此,每个老师在教学时, 应效法孔子并强调仁的道理.