第 44 课:Poor Dick 可怜的迪克-1

There are holes in Dick's shoes.He needs new shoes. 迪克的鞋子又破洞. 他需要新鞋子.迪克不想 要便宜的鞋子.

Dick doesn't want cheap shoes. He wants expensive shoes,but he doesn't have any money. 他想要贵的鞋子. 但他没钱.

He needs a job. He is looking for one,but he isn't having any luck. 他需要一份工作. 他正在找工作, 但他的运气不好.

No one wants to give him a job because his shoes have holes in them.Poor Dick!
因为他的鞋子有破洞, 所以没有人给他工作. 可怜的迪克!