第 69 课:What a Nightmare! 真是噩梦一场-2

He had to wait a long time.As a matter of fact,he waited for two hours. 他必须等很久.事实上,他等了两个小时.

We had to work a long time.As a matter of fact,we worked all night. 我们必须工作很久. 事实上,我们一整晚都在工作.

I had to study a long time.As a matter of fact.I studied all day. 我必须念很久的书.事实上,我一整天都在念书.

What a nightmare! 真实噩梦一场!

What a terrible day that was! 真是可怕的一天!

What a noisy child she is! 那女孩好吵喔!

What a stupid thing to say! 说那样的话真蠢!