第 22 课: Wow! It's really crowded today. 哦,今天真挤。

Wow! It's really crowded today. 哦,今天真挤。

Ouch! Someone stepped on my foot. 噢,有人踩了我的脚。

Hey! Don't open your newspaper up so wide. 嘿,你的报纸别打得太大。

Whew! Changing trains is really a pain in the neck. 换车真令人讨厌。

Hey! Wait for me! 等等我。

Is it true that Sarah Miles is finally getting divorced? Sarah Miles终于离婚了是真的吗?

Oh, I wish those two would quit making out. 我希望他们俩能停止分手。

Hey! What are you doing? 嘿,你在干什么?