第 24 课:How lucky to get a seat! 有个座位多幸运呀。

Why is the trains stopping between stations? 为什么列车在车站之间停车?

I wish this train was going somewhere besides the office, for a change. 我希望这辆火车去除了办公室的其他地方,换口气。

Yuck! This guy has a lot of dandruff on his collar. 噢,这家伙的领子上有头皮屑。

Hey! kid! Your Walkman is too loud! 孩子! 你的随身听声音太大了。

What a strong smell! She's wearing too much perfume. 味道太重了!她的香水喷太多了。

Don't lie down on the seat in the middle of rush hour. 别在高峰时段躺在座位上。

Ahh! This guy's getting off at the next stop. I'll sit down here. 啊!这家伙下站下车。我要坐这里。

How lucky to get a seat! 有个座位多幸运呀。

Agh! My bag is caught in the door. 啊!我的包夹在门上了。

Excuse me. I'm getting off here. 对不起。我要在这里下车。