第 36 课:It’s going to rain. 要下雨了

Jane: It's getting rather cloudy. It looks like to rain, doesn't it? 天气变阴了。看起来像是要下雨,是吧?

Tom: I hope it will clear up tomorrow. I'm going to have a picnic with my family. 我希望明天会天晴。我要和家人去野炊。

Jane: It doesn't look very promising. 看起来希望不大。

Tom: I agree with you. 我也觉得。

Jane: I'm afraid it's going to rain at any moment now. 恐怕现在随时都会下雨。

Tom: Look! It's pouring down outside. 看!外面已经下起大雨来了。

Jane: I think we'd better hurry back. We have no umbrella. 我想我们最好赶快回去。我们没带伞。

Tom: Yes, let's go before we get soaked through. 是的,现在走还不至于被淋透。