第 37 课:Asking the way 问路

Larry: Excuse me. I'm trying to find the museum. How do I get there? 打扰一下,我在找博物馆,请问要怎么走?

Justin: Go straight down Fifth to Washington Park. Turn right at the bank.沿着第五街走到华盛顿公园,在银行边右转。

Larry: Thanks. 谢谢!

Justin: No, no! Wait! Don't do that! I just remembered. That's a one-way street. You can't turn right there. 不对,不对!等等!不要那样走!我刚刚想起来,那是条单行道,你不能在那里右转。

Larry: Excuse me? 可以再说一次吗?

Justin: OK, first, go straight down Fifth to 23rd Street, where Broadway crosses Fifth. 好的,首先沿着第五街直走到第二十三街,也就是百老汇街与第五街交会的地方。

Then go one block to the traffic light. Don't take the first right. Take the second left, onto Broadway. 然后穿过一个街区到有红绿灯的地方。不要在第一条街右转,要在第二条街左转,进入百老汇街。

Larry: I'm sorry, I don't understand. 抱歉,我不懂。

Justin: Here's Fifth Street. Here's Broadway. The museum is at Prince and Broadway. 这里是第五街,这里是百老汇街。博物馆在王子街和百老汇街的交会处。