第 39 课:Changing the boring life. 改变单调乏味的生活

A: What shall we do today? 我们今天做些什么呀?

B: Did you have something special in mind? 你有没有什么特别的安排?

A: No. Not really. I just thought that it might be fun to do something we've never done before. 没有,没有什么特别的安排。我只是想要是我们做些以前没有做过的事情一定挺有趣。

B: Well, are you feeling adventuresome? Do you want to do something dangerous or exciting? 噢,你是不是想冒险?想干点危险、刺激的事吗?

A: It doesn't have to be dangerous or exciting-just something different. I need a change. I feel like I’m bored. 不一定非得危险或者刺激,只要是不同的事情就行。我需要的是改变一下生活方式,现在这样我感到挺烦的。

B: I know the feeling. Usually I get it every spring. I feel I have to get away from it all, you know, seek new horizons, new beginnings. 我知道你的情绪,每年春天我也有同感。我觉得我得从这种烦躁的情绪中解脱出来,开拓新的视野,有新的开端。

A: I thought that was spring fever! What I'm talking about is change, change from the humdrum, the mundane. 我想那是春倦症。我现在说的是改变一下生活方式,摆脱单调无聊、平淡无奇的生活。

B: Sounds like the same thing to me! You're just get spring fever in the fall! 在我看来都是一回事儿。你只是在秋季发了春倦症。

A: Well, anyway, can we discuss what we're going to do today? Maybe we’ll some kind of a terrific idea. 嘿,不管怎么说,我们能不能商量一下今天干点什么事儿呢?也许我们能想出一个什么妙主意。

B: Okay by me. 我看没问题。