第 49 课:Ordering plane ticket 订飞机票-2

B: We'll need an open return. 我们要两张经济舱的往返票,返回日期不限。

A: Fine. I'll fix you the tickets. 好的,我给你们拿票。

B: What's the flight number? 航班号是多少?

A: The flight number is 332 at Gate Five, Kennedy Airport. 航班号是332,在肯尼迪机场,五号登机口。

B: When are we supposed to check in? 我们什么时候办理登机手续?

A: Check-in time is one hour before take-off. The latest time of reporting is fifty minutes before the departure time. 在起飞前的一小时办理。最晚在起飞前50分钟办理。

B: We'll be there on time. Thank you very much. 我们会按时到的。非常感谢。

A: Have a good trip. Good-bye. 祝旅途愉快。再见。

B: Good-bye. 再见。