第 52 课:Pulled an all-nighter 熬夜

A: Why do you look so tired? 你为什么看起来这么疲惫?

B: I pulled an all-nighter studying for my statistics test. I'm thinking about dropping the course. 我通宵没睡在准备我的统计学考试。我在想不再读这门课了。

A: How come? 怎么了?

B: It's too hard for me. Even though I hit the books every night, I couldn't solve any problem. 这门课对我来说太难了。尽管我每天晚上都学习,我还是什么习题都不会解。

Last time when my teacher gave us a pop quiz, my mind went totally blank. I'm bombed. 上次我们老师对我们进行小测验的时候,我的脑子一片空白,就考砸了。

A: I know how you feel. But I think you shouldn't give up just because it's hard. 我知道你的感受。但我认为你不应该因为它难就放弃,

You should stick with it and I'm sure you will find you've learned a lot by
the time it is over. 你应该坚持住,我相信你在学期结束时会发现你已经学到了很多。

B: I'll try to hang in there for one more week. 我再努力坚持一个星期。