第 57 课:The conflict between neighbors 邻里矛盾

A: We've got to do something about the neighbor's dog! 我们得对邻居的狗采取点行动了。

B: Why? Has he been into your flower garden again? 怎么了?它又窜到你的花园里来了?

A: The flower garden, the garbage can, and yesterday he started digging holes in the yard! 花园,垃圾桶,而且昨天还在院子里刨了几个洞!

B: Did you talk to Mrs. Black about it? 你跟布莱克太太说这事儿了么?

A: You know how she is. All sweetness and light to your face but then she never does anything. 你知道她是什么态度。当着你的面她百般应承但从不办实事。

They should either keep that animal in the house or tied up! 他们应该把狗关在屋子里,要不就把它栓起来。

B: I'll talk to Hank about it tonight. He usually listens. 我今晚跟汉克谈谈这事,他通常是听得进意见的。

A: We need more than listening, dear. We need action! 亲爱的,我们需要的不光是听得进意见,我们要的是实际行动!