第 83 课:In a Restaurant 在餐馆吃饭-1

Q:Are you ready to order now, sir? 先生, 你现在准备好点菜了吗?

A:Yes. Let me have this roast beef special. 是的, 我要一份特价烤牛肉.

Q:You have a choice of vegetables, green peas, lima beans, or spinach. 你可以选择蔬菜, 青碗豆, 利马豆或菠菜.

A:I'll have the green peas. And make sure the beef is well done. 我要青碗豆, 但牛排必要烤熟些.

Q:Yes, sir. What would you like to drink? Coffee, tea, or milk? 是的, 先生, 你想喝点什么? 咖啡, 茶, 还是牛奶呢?

A:A cup of coffee,please, with cream and sugar. 请来一杯咖啡, 加乳酪和糖.

Q:The cream and sugar are on the table, sir. 先生, 乳酪和糖就在桌子上.

A:Oh, yes. 噢, 是的.