第 19 课:It's our free gift 这是我们的赠品

S:Madam, during the promotion period, 小姐, 推广期内,

we offer a nice free gift for every purchase over five hundred dollars. 凡购物满五百元将可获赠精美礼品一份,

and it is on a first-come,first-serve basis. 先到先得.

C:Then I'll take this foundation too. Is that enough? 那么我连这粉底也买下吧, 请问数额够了没有?

C:I like the design of this handbag. What is it made of? 我很喜欢这手袋的设计, 这是什么造的?

S:It's made of genuine leather,madam. It wears well. 这是真皮造的, 因此很耐用.