第 45 课:I'd like to change the room. 我想换房间-2

An air-conditioning is too cold. 冷气太冷了。

Please make the room warmer. 请把房间弄暖一点。

Hot water of the tub doesn't come. 浴缸的热水出不来。

Can I have another blanket? 我可以再要一件毛毯吗?

I can't sleep because neons are too bright. 灯太亮了我无法睡觉。

I asked for a room service but it hasn't come yet. 我要求了一项房间服务,但一直到现在还没有来。

More than thirty minutes have passed since I gave an order. 自从我提出要求后 已过了三十多分钟 了。

Please bring it soon. 请快一点拿来。

A stranger hangs around the hallway. 有一个陌生人在走廊徘徊。

Please do something proper for us. 请为我们做一些适宜的服务。