第 91 课:I've lost my passport. 我的护照遗失了-2

Did you inform the police of it? 你把这件事告诉警察了吗?

Please tell us how the matter was when you had it stolen. 请告诉我你的护照被偷究竟是怎么一回事?

I don't know whether I lost or it's stolen. 我不知道究竟是掉了,还是被偷了。

Maybe I left it somewhere. 也许我掉在某处了。

I don't know where it was. 我不知道它掉在何处。

I'm afraid I left it in the taxi. 我怕它是掉在出租车里了。

Please contact the taxi company. 请和出租车公司联系。

I don't remember my passport mumber. 我忘了护照上的号码。