第 8 课:在飞机上-8

How do you fasten this belt? 你怎么系上安全带的?

Will you explain how to fasten the seat belt? 你能说明如何系上安全带吗?

Will you show me how to turn on the light? 你能告诉我如何开这灯吗?

Can you help me with this earphone? I can't hear anything. 你能教我使用这耳机吗? 我什么都听不到。

May I go to the toilet now? 现在我能去厕所吗?

What does the sign say? 这标志是说什么?

Excuse me. Will you tell me how to fill out this disembarkation card? 请问,你能告诉我如何填这入境卡吗?