第 19 课:You bet 没问题

A:I'm calling to check on the sales position. 我打电话来是想知道我应聘销售员职位的情况.

B:I'm afraid that the job has already been filled. 那个职位已经有人了.

A:Okay,thanks a lot. 好,多谢.

B:You bet. 没问题.

A:I'm here to speak with Mary. 我来找玛丽.

B:I'm afraid you'll have to come back tomorrow. She left a couple of minutes ago 你恐怕得明天再来. 她几分钟前才离开.

A:Oh,when will she be in? 噢,她明天几点会来?

B:She comes in at 2:00. 她2:00来.

I'm afraid that the job has already been filled. 那个职位已经有人充任了.

I'm afraid you'll have to come back tomorrow. 你恐怕得明天再来.

I'm afraid that your dog isn't going to make it. 我恐怕你的狗活不成了.