第 32 课:Everything's so expensive. 每一样东西都很贵.

A:What do you know? 嗨,怎么样啊?

B:Not much. Can you believe it's already 2000? 没什么.你能相信已经是2000年了吗?

A:Crazy,isn't it? 很疯狂,不是吗?

B:Yeah,I just got used to writing 1999 on all my checks. 是啊,我才刚习惯于在支票本上写1999年.

A:What are you going to get? 你要吃什么?

B:I don't know. Everything's so expensive. 我不知道,每一样东西都很贵.

A:Can you believe that they charge $10 for a hamburger? 你能相信一个汉堡竟然卖10美元吗?

B:Maybe we should just get water. 或许我们只要水就好了

Can you believe it's already 2000? 你能相信已是2000年了吗?

Can you believe that John called back so fast? 你会相信约翰这么快就回电话吗?

Can you believe that they charge $10 for a hamburger? 你能相信一个汉堡竟然卖10美元吗?

Can you believe that she is so slow? 你会相信她竟这么迟钝吗