第 65 课:Where did you buy the car? 你的车子在哪里买的?

A:Do you want to stay for dinner? We're having spaghetti. 你要不要留下来吃晚饭我们要吃意大利面条.

B:How much spaghetti did you cook? 你煮了多少意大利面条?

A:Plenty. 很多.

B:All right. I just want to make sure that everyone else gets enough. 好,我只是要确定其他的人都够吃.

A:Where did you buy the car? 你的车子在哪里买的?

B:At John's Autos. I got a better deal there. 在约翰汽车店.我在那里买到便宜一点的.

A:How much money did you save? 你省了多少钱?

B:I saved an extra $1000. 我多省了1000美金.

How much spaghetti did you cook? How much money did you save? 你煮了多少意大利面条? 你省了多少钱?

How much cleaning did you get done? How much sleeping did you do this week? 你清理了多少? 这个星期你睡了多少?