第 16 课:Health care 保健

Americans often go to their doctor and dentists when they are not sick. 美国人在身体健全的时候也经常去看医生或者看牙医。

They hope to prevent being sick by having their teeth cleaned and their health checked. 他们希望通过清洁牙齿和检查身体来预防疾病。

Therefore, they see the doctor and dentist for check-ups. 因此,他们会找医生或者牙医进行检查。

Doctors check their breathing, heartbeat, ears, eyes, and throat, their weight, 医生通常会检查他们的呼吸情况、心跳、耳朵、眼睛和咽喉,还会测量体重、

take samples of patient's fluids to run tests, and look for signs of more serious illnesses. 取病人的尿样进行检测,同时还会查找可能患严重疾病的征兆。

Dentists clean a patient's teeth, and take x-rays to see if any teeth are going bad. 牙医则会帮助清洁病人牙齿,并且用激光检测是否有坏牙。

More and more, Americans and the people who take care of their health are practicing this kind of preventive medicine. 越来越多的美国人和关心自己健康的人正加入这种预防医学的行列。