第 42 课:Bargaining 讨价还价

Bargaining is not common in the United States, but sales are. 讨价还价的情况在美国不多见,可是打折出售倒很普遍。

Stores offer discounts on their merchandise during sales. 商家在销售期间给予货品一些折扣。

They hope to bring in more customers, and clear out merchandise that hasn't sold by offering discounts. 他们希望通过这样可以吸引更多的顾客,同时清除未卖出的商品。

People watch for sales carefully to save money on things they need. 留意商品打折的顾客会很仔细,以此在他们要买的商品上可以节省一些钱。

Every store will offer a discount on its merchandise at some point, so it's just a matter of waiting until the item you want goes on sale. 每一家商铺都会给与其商品一定数量的折扣,所以要等到你想要的商品打折只是时间的问题。

The Going-Out-of-Business Sale is, perhaps, the sale where one can get the biggest discounts. “停业销货”可能是顾客可以获得的最大的折扣。

When stores are closing for good, they try to get any price for their merchandise. 当商家因为利益原因关门停业时,产品会以任何价格出售。

This means you can often get discounts of up to 90%. 这意味着你可以获得低至1折的商品。