第 44 课:Social security 社会保险

Social security is a government program that provides a fixed monthly payment of money to people over 68 years old. 社会保险是一项政府规划,它每月为68岁以上的老人提供一定数额的资金。

The great U.S. President Franklin Delano Roosevelt created it in the 1930's. 这项规划是20世纪30年代由美国伟大的总统弗兰克林·德拉诺·罗斯福开始实施的。

Workers pay for it by having a small amount taking out of their paycheck every month, which the government invests very safely. 每个月从业人员的从薪水中拿出一小部分来支付,然后政府对这部分钱妥善投资。

Then, when they retire, they receive a check in the mail every month from the government. 之后,等到他们退休,政府每个月便给他们邮寄一张支票。

Social security is a very important issue in the U.S. presidential campaigns because older people tend to vote more than younger people. 社会保险是美国总统竞选重要的一个环节,因为比起年轻人来说,老年人更热衷于投票。