Unit 10 Insurance 保险 - A-1

1. We have covered insurance on 1,000 cases of beer for 110% of the invoice value against all risks. 我们已将一千箱啤酒按发票金额的百分之一百一十投保一切险。

2. If you desire us to insure against a special risk, an extra premium will have to be charged. 如你想投保特殊险别,将向你收取额外保费。

3. This risk is coverable at a premium of 0.25%. 该险别的保险费是百分之零点二五。

4. The insurance company insures this risk with 5% franchise. 保险公司保这种险有百分之五的免赔额。

5. After loading the goods on board the ship, you must go to the insurance company to have them insured. 货船装船后,你必须找保险公司为货物投保。

6. We can serve you with a broad range of coverage against all kinds of risks for sea transport, such as Free of Particular Average (F. P.A.), With Particular Average (W.P.A.), All Risks and Extraneous Risks. 我们可以承保海洋运输的所有险别,如:平安险、水渍险、一切险和附加险。

7. W.P.A. plus Risk of Breakage suit your consignment. 贵方货物适合于投保水渍险及破碎险。

8. The premium is calculated according to the premium rate or rates for risks to be covered. 保险费是根据投保险别的保险费率计算的。

9. They will undertake to compensate you for the losses according to the risks insured. 他们将根据所投保的险别,对损失负责赔偿。

10. We are able to cover all kinds of risks for transportation by sea, land and air. 我们可以办理海运、陆运和空运的所有险别。