Unit 11 Acceptance 接受 - B-2
对话 - 2

B: They are to be shipped not later than September 2001. 装船期不能迟于2001年9月。

W: There's no question about that. 没问题。

B: And what about the terms of payment? 关于付款方式呢?

W: Payment by L/C, to be opened by the buyer 15 to 20 days prior to the date of delivery. That's what we've agreed upon, isn't it? 付款采用信用证,在交货前15到20天期间由买方开出。这些我们都已同意了,是不是?

B: Yes, quite so. 对,是这样。

W: We'd like to add the condition that the letter of credit shall be valid until the 15th day after shipment. You know, it sometimes takes us a week or so to get all the shipping documents ready for the presentation and negotiation. This will give us more leeway. 我们希望加上一条,信用证有效期应至货物装船后第十五日截止。 要把所有装船单据都准备好以便提交银行议付,有时需要一个星期左右。定上这样一条可以让我们的时间充裕一点。

B: That can be done. Any questions about the inspection and claims? 行。关于商检和索赔,有什么问题吗?

W: None whatsoever. The quality and per for mance of our machines can stand every possible test. We agree to your conditions. 完全没有问题。我们的机器经得起任何质量和性能方面的测试。我 们同意你方条款。

B: Do you also agree to the condition that all disputes, if unsettled, shall be referred to the Foreign Trade Arbitration Commission for the Promotion of Interna tional Trade? 你是否也同意这样一条,解决不了的纠纷,就提交国际贸易促进会 的对外贸易仲裁委员会去仲裁?